Self-forgiveness requires the greatest courage in the total process of forgiving, without it we can not complete the act of forgiveness and call ourselves free from the burdens of the past. In so many cases it is the hardest part to accomplish when looking back at the things we have done, those actions we rather wished we’d carried out a different way, knowing how much pain we have caused.
Although we know very well today that at the time we were in a different state of mind, younger, therefore possibly less thoughtful, the sheer fact that we were even capable of telling somebody something hurtful – or worse – those irreversible actions we took, led to so much unnecessary pain. Facts we find very hard to digest. Actions do speak louder than words, whether we use them to create beauty or in harmful ways.
First of all let me tell you that the ability to take such self-introspection in itself is a clear sign that we have come a long way, away from an old self, unable to see what it was doing at the time, or simply didn’t care. The interesting thing is that, when we look back at our younger selves, we can look at that part of ourselves as if looking at somebody else. Yes, it is a part of us from the past, echoing into the present, effecting the now. We are allowed to recycle and transform those events into something positive; holding onto guilt, based on stubbornness, be it from a need to self-punish or a resistance to ever change, will complicate your life unnecessarily. We need to remind ourselves that we are not that old self anymore, our consciousness is forever developing, an ongoing transformative process. Yet, we are holding and clinging onto the things we cannot change anymore, therefore blocking parts of our transformative genes, overpowered by an unwillingness to self forgive. A refusal to forgive that old part is like forbidding the self access to a close reunification with our souls and Higher Selves! Many amongst us have – through their valuable realisations of their self-reflections and insights – long decided to change their behaviour and gone out their way to take appropriate measurements to stop making the same ‘mistakes’ again. Yet, that guilt is still present from the past and unless that is cleared, our own part in being of divine service to others is simply hindered by an old misguided or misbehaved part of us.

Everything in our Universe, in all Universes, on our planet and every other planet, keeps evolving, we keep evolving. If we decide to stop evolution for ourselves by holding onto who we are not anymore, keeping that negative image with a growing self-hate alive – and non-self-forgiveness will do that – then we will begin to stagnate. Stagnation will lead to a whole host of self-sabotage and blocks, definitely taking us away from the beauty, the uniqueness, the brilliance of who we really are. Ego will begin to act as an artificial replacement, until we finally decide to take that step and cut an old outworn cord to our older inexperienced unconscious self.
We cannot be that person again as we were in the past of this present life or an entirely other existence, in the exact same way as we were then. In other life times we might have been of a different gender, nationality, society, with its own limiting belief systems. In this life we can find ourselves surrounded by new life conditions and circumstances, we have changed in many ways! Our look, our body has changed! All of our existences have given us a variety of different experiences. The consciousness of our soul remembers everything and is with us during every incarnation, manifested through its physicality. Yet our behaviour, attitudes, new connections have shaped us! We are an eternal life form, which has decided to experience itself in physical reality. In that our life experiences are vast, our body is the vessel that carries itself with its cells memories time and time again. What shapes us depends on so many factors, including our personality types, our upbringing, perceptions and belief systems, forming our behaviours to be of a certain way. Today we might think those behaviours in the past were unhealthy or unjust. What matters is our readiness to reconnect with the core of our inner truth, who we are and why we are here. Our thoughts, actions, deeds can assist us as the most precious lessons of human behaviour moving through life, transforming us into a wealth of divine universal consciousness or keep us stuck in a stagnant low vibrational guilt consciousness, life time after life time, wasting precious global time to finally evolve out of a vicious circle, effecting everybody else.
Remember this, when you find it hard to self-forgive; in truth you are made of the purest thought of love consciousness, equipped with your own unique genes. You are an image of God’s original self, as different from everybody else as snow flakes are from one another. Although none of us were sent to destroy, manipulate, control and overpower that which can never be overpowered, our minds can easily be altered away from our true beauty into something it was never meant to be and then act from that level of awareness, unlike that of the original compassionate human consciousness.

For whatever reason you became an artificial alteration of your divine self, use that as your doorway back into your power of loving yourself! You have that power with the support of your most reliable allies; your soul and – more importantly – your spirit. Open that door and transform all the illusionary uncomfortable aspects and occurrences into the best positive outcomes, reconnect with your Higher Self, celebrate it! Your growing awareness of yourself, your self forgiveness, is the gateway into understanding yourself and that of human race behaviour. It is giving you vital insights into the aspects of how the mind operates when shut down to its spiritual connection. In that judgement diminishes, providing a much clearer approach when interacting with others. One day you will meet people acting in the same way like you once did, giving you a clear insight into what you used to be like and how that must have come across for others. Those people will relate to you a lot more when they see where you have have been and how far you have come. Your wisdom will teach and inspire them to belief they can transform too because in reality there are no others, only the self.
Look at the impact converted drug dealers have or fraudsters, racists or fanatics when they had their moment of truth and talk from their experience and realisations to people on that same destructive life path, trying to give them an insight into their meaningless actions, opening their minds by demonstrating that there is a way out.
These lessons are guidelines from which we can firmly decide which path we wish to walk; that of mind controlled misleading darkness or that of eternal love light joy consciousness!
Remove all death wishes, self punishment vows, oaths of an obedient nature, self limiting belief systems, return to your truth and then align with the truth of God’s pure thought and belief in you. Find out for yourself how light it feels to be emerged in the wonders of self-forgiveness, become a beacon to everybody else in your inner and outer world of love surrender.
Your guides will assist and support you with everything you ask them to, help you cut unhealthy cords, remove negative embedded commands of every kind. One thing they will not do is do it all for you, without you really taking full responsibility and action. This would be disempowering for the growth of your soul & spirit. Once they see that you are willing to commit to fulfilling your purpose, dealing with issues, forgive and make vital positive changes, work on an overload of ego behaviours, support will be given within the confines of God’s will and purpose. Angels and guides have no free will and therefore act in accordance with God’s pure intent of his creation of the human race.
In other words; there has to be a structure in place from a place of justice, unconditional love for every single one of us, self responsibility and divine empowerment. To ensure the same rights for everybody at any time and to stop the chance to overpower and completely alter the core of divinity, certain laws had to be put in place providing a safe haven of equality, which is there to erase envy, jealousy, judgement. If certain people were treated by the divine in a privileged way, equality could not be sustained. Therefore all of God’s messengers have to act within the structure of this law in connection with us. We are all free to choose how to co- and re-create within the confines of this very purposeful woven network structure. The law of karma for instance ensures that actions taken are a constant reflection of consequences on the self, from which we eventually will have to learn to treat others how we wish to be treated ourselves.
It is always in the interest of the divine, its messengers and helpers, to make this world a better place and in that we must trust that we are supported every time we intent to make a positive change to connect to the light of source, our birth place.
The more we reconnect and merge with our Higher Self, the more peace and love we create on our planet. Nobody can do it for us, but with us. We can be our worst enemy or our most loyal trustworthy friend we have always been looking out for.

Resentment creates separation in every way, forgiveness is the key to Oneness, starting with yourself today. Let nobody persuade you to stop following that path of re-connection, not even your own ego self. Realise, forgive, let go, embrace, experience YOU in every facet of your brilliant existence.