The Art of self love
Self-love is the ultimate key love energy that will lead us into deep inner peace, harmony and consequently the world around us because it represents the love of the self in all facets of its existences, born from the unconditional love God, Grace, Source has towards his creation of every living Being; an indescribable feeling of coming home to live in Oneness with the self, grateful at all times for the gift of ‘us’, firmly anchored in the I am consciousness. Living in gratitude with that can never lead to either a lack of self worth, a narcissistic false self-love belief system or a desperate desire to overpower another. Experiences, traumas and unfinished businesses will eventually crumble and be washed out of a man made lower consciousness belief system. This requires willingness for regular introspection into our cell memory to see if there is any emotional toxicity left there, needing to be released in order for our cells to be purified. In most cases we were taught to suppress issues and ‘just get on with life’. Despite all present awareness in today’s society with a vast number of healing techniques available, there still seems to be a lack of understanding how suppressed issues can leave damaging effects on the very organisms forming our bodies, our cells, leading to disturbances of the mind, leading into physical/emotional disease. Every time we leave a hurtful situation undealt with, we also shut another door to the healing and energising boundless love always available to us, resulting more and more in a shut down of our blissful selves. Disconnecting from love deprives our cells from our light life force essence.
Every time we go onto a journey of self-healing and clean our cells by addressing issues to understand ourselves better and situations or people in our lives, we take responsibility for our wellbeing and automatically expand our awareness. This in itself is a sign of self love, giving us a healthy feeling of empowerment because our soul knows that we are taking appropriate steps to raise onto a higher level of consciousness.
Once we begin to consciously comprehend how our actions effect others and decide to improve in an attempt to reach a healthy balance within our worthiness, we are on a steady path to a completion within the exhilarating feeling of self love. Nobody would feel the need to take advantage of the weaker ones, but instead offer support to those in need, competition would be a word of the past, instead we could work in cooperation together, rejoicing in the qualities of our fellow human friend, Instead of destroying our planet to enrich ourselves by depleting it of its resources given to us for free, we would use what we have to create meaningful abundance. Once our inner conflicts of unhappiness are resolved into self love, the need for conflict by controlling or be controlled is pointless; it will loose all its attraction of an artificial sense of power.
‘Easier said than done’ is often a thought that keeps us stuck in a comfort zone, ‘in the history of the human race war & greed have always been the case. This is what humans are like, they can not be trusted and are always out for their own gain. Humans deserve to be erased because of all the atrocities they have committed. Get out of the illusion and get real, war is normal, peace, harmony and self love are an illusion, this can never happen’. Guess what; by thinking those constant negative thoughts about ourselves and wishing for our race to be erased, we make exactly that happen. Of course one has to be realistic and look at what is going on in our world. But this is precisely the point; we have to become very realistic and understand that every single one of us has the power to make positive changes and what we are doing to create such negativity, in our world and the outer one. It starts with ourselves; ‘what is going on and what is it that I can do to make this change happen?’ It lies in the power of our free will.
Take introspection and clear all the unwanted and non-loving experiences; when did you begin to feel incomplete and unhappy with yourself, what are you doing to harm yourself or others? What are you doing because you feel so worthless? If you are an extrovert, you probably feel the need to overpower by demonstrating artificial greatness, constantly having to prove how much better you are or – if you are an introvert – it is expressed in a daily quiet self inflicting thinking pattern of never thriving into something big, so therefore remain small. Introverts often then express their deep unhappiness in an unaware passive aggressive way, yet equally as destructive.
In a healthy state of self-love and recognition, the extrovert uses his/her quality of divine power by leading and protecting people into a better way of living, giving them confidence, re-igniting their own unique power, bringing out the best in everybody to create big changes.
The more introvert personality type will use his incredible gift of diplomacy to resolve conflicts and create peace by solving misunderstandings. They remain detached from distractions, always returning back to their center of deep inner harmony and peace. Solutions are found for every problem, people in their presence feel no need to argue ‘to be right’.
Whatever personality type we belong to; in order to do what we do best and to stay connected to our soul and the creative path we have chosen, we need to equip ourselves with a thick skin to stand up for our truths.
Did you know that only 10 % of the world’s population actually live their purpose? Not living our purpose is poison for the soul, simply because we push away a big part of ourselves, our love of life. A disconnection to our soul means a disconnection to source, which leads to a lack of love, especially self love. Where there is a lack of self love, there must be some unhealthy replacement, forming toxicity within our bodies. In our desire to feel that completeness, we then look for substitutes, which can never replace the real thing. This is the moment where we must look in the places where incompleteness has taken false residence,; dare to remove the unreal to become that who you really are again! Transform every non self-loving thought, no matter where they stem from, into life lessons, expanding your wisdom, strengthening your will power. Return to the belief that love is the energy of creation, therefore it is truth.
Remaining stuck in such thought patterns of our conditioned minds and the unhealthy familiarity to live in a world of endless conflict, from which we think there is no way out, will lead to eventually quieten the voices of our souls, weakening our bodies. Giving up our divine power is like saying ‘NO’ to the best part of us. We can at all time liberate ourselves from constantly walking underneath the dark clouds of a limiting and sabotaging mind set.
If all great thinkers in the history of our existence had conformed to the restrictions of life limiting rules and regulations, we would still be living with a ‘medieval mentality mind set’. They themselves had to be strong enough to belief in their vision of bringing positive change about, often under danger of being publicly humiliated or eliminated or simply of not being taken seriously. Yet, their belief to aid with their purpose in the progress of their human fellow men into a world of justice, love and equality can only have come from a deep comprehension of the original idea of the creation and therefore love of the human race. These activists, visionaries and co-creators such as Jesus, Leonardo da Vinci, Nikla Tesla, Martin Luther Kind, Gandhi, must have had a healthy dose of self acceptance deriving from self love and the gratitude of their existence with its purpose attached to that; ingredients to produce essential strength, will power and persistence to pursue what they knew in their hearts would benefit towards a healthy evolvement of the human race!
By living a purposeful life, they were moving entire nations from one level of consciousness onto the next. It must have been a difficult task at times, with often unexpected outcomes, yet nothing would stop them to work for the greater good of all. What the soul will focus on when leaving its body is the meaningful quality of life it has created, loosing every bit of interest on all material accumulations.
Remember that none of us can do it alone. First we have to fall in love again with the idea of humanity, ourselves, a path which will inevitably lead back to a joyful inspiration, with an ever growing desire to work in the magnificence of what is often taken for granted down here.
Appreciation of the self, the wonders of life, the miracles of what love is capable of doing, will create a world full of abundance. When we stop to allow our ego to mislead us and use it instead to teach us the other side of our spectrum of endless possibilities, our shiny selves, the mis-leaders of this world will cease to exist because there is nothing left to lead down the wrong pathway. The energy we are using to transform all non-loving aspects of ourselves into deep appreciation of pure intents, will take away the feeding ground foundation for those whose souls are still life times away from wishing to evolve. We can not carry those on our shoulders as well but allow them to take appropriate steps to learn their lessons; how else will they be given an opportunity to open their eyes?!
Love yourself for who you really are, all you are and all you have ever been, united as one. You are the miracle you have been waiting for!