All posts by divinereconnection

My Dad’s Recovery From Pancreatic Cancer

First published in February 10, 2016

In this post I give an in-detail account of my father’s full recovery from pancreatic cancer. I hope that by reading this, people having similar experiences will gain encouragement and awareness. There are alternatives out there, and – no matter how things may seem – there is always hope.

It was on a Sunday night, the 5th September 2004 when my dad called to tell us that there was something wrong with him.

We were still recovering from my 40th birthday celebration from the day before and – although everybody enjoyed a brilliant party with friends who had traveled from abroad – I couldn’t help but feel uneasy; as if something unpleasant was about to happen.

Then, later in the evening my dad called. His voice didn’t sound like is usual self but alarmed: “I’m in hospital”, my dad explained “my eyes are yellow and my blood sugar is extremely high. The doctors want to keep me in hospital to find out what’s wrong with me. I’ll keep you updated”.

In anxious anticipation we all awaited the results of the medical tests. Finally, 3 days later, my dad had the first diagnose:  “Patrizia,” he said. “I have some bad news; the doctors found a malignant tumour in my pancreas. There is nothing we can do about this other than accept it. Don’t worry about coming over, there is not much you can do for me here. It’s more important that the children go to school. Come over during half term”.  As he spoke these words to me, I remember walking down Camden Road in Tunbridge Wells, sobbing and for once not caring about the people around me seeing me in such a state. It wasn’t just what he said, it was the way he said it. He tried to be positive, even laughed to keep me calm and confident.

Everybody who suddenly finds themselves in a situation like this with a loved one knows what a shock this is. The first thought that comes to mind is to help as much as possible, to be there and to carry out thorough research. It can only be described as a state of panic mixed with a desperate attempt to stay calm and act at the same time. It gives you a sense of power in a seemingly powerless situation.

Somehow my then-husband, William, and I had to work out how this could be done; our son Christopher had started secondary, our daughter Vanessa was still in primary school.

The plan was for us to drive back to Germany the following weekend (we had just spent our summer holiday there the week before) and for William to leave Vanessa and myself with my parents in Germany whilst he was to return home with Chris so he wouldn’t miss his first days at secondary school.

August 2004, Edenkoben, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, 1 month before the diagnose.


September 2004, the weekend we returned; my dad yellow from jaundice with Chris wearing his new school uniform.

Everybody tried to come to terms with a new reality. How could this be, we asked ourselves. My dad was always so strong and in control. His lifestyle was healthier than that of many others; my mother’s food was always fresh and home cooked. He also did a lot of physical work such as playing tennis on a regular basis and looking after his garden. I had only one memory of him ever falling ill, with a slight fever. I must have been 12 years old.

My dad at the age of 54, 10 years before the diagnose.

Right from the start I felt that I would end up taking the situation mostly into my own hands, although it seemed totally insurmountable at the time. When looking back it is quite fascinating how a natural support network evolved, with me putting all my efforts in to have everybody on board, contributing naturally.

Everybody around me was there to assist as best as they could in their own way; My brother Markus explained to me how suppressed issues or unfinished business were the root cause of most illnesses, which at the time I found hard to believe. He began to look into the connections between emotional issues and disease long before, when his wife was diagnosed with a deadly form of Leukemia in 1990.  She is still alive today.

My youngest brother Matthias was helping out in every way he could, simply by supporting us. All of my friends and parents’ friends were there. Neighbours would come and give valuable information.

It felt like there was a network of connections where everybody’s support was immensely important.

Everybody involved, including the doctors, were playing their essential part. The best of their abilities had to be used to bring about the best outcome.

Added to the stress were unfortunately endless phone calls from people trying to sell us their products or recommending some kind of treatment to us. In times like these you have to be extra careful to distinguish between people who truly have your best interests at heart and those who are only interested in making a profit from a dire situation.

At the time the only alternative method of healing I knew was Homeopathy. Inside me was a deep, intuitive knowing that Homeopathy would be the right treatment to use in this case. But how did I know this was really it, and what type of homeopathic remedy would it be? Every now and then my mind started doubting, putting into question what my intuition was telling me; how could I be sure that this was the way to go? Yet, a deep inner knowing kept reassuring me. It was often hard to stand by it, especially when critical doctors or some of my father’s friends would carefully try to tell me I was delusional.

During my dad’s 6-week stay at one of Germany’s top hospitals, specialised in pancreatic tumours, I did a vast amount of research into understanding the development of this cancer. Every doctor we spoke to warned us about what to expect once this type of illness had spread, (the chance of survival was 3%) and what could be done to extend his life.

Klinikum Ludwigshafen, the hospital where my dad spent 6 weeks after the initial diagnose.

One doctor advised that a mild chemo combined with an intravenous Vitamin C supplement would be the best option. Another doctor suggested 4 weeks of intensive chemo- and radiotherapy followed by a Whipple operation. The anthroposophical hospitals offered a treatment which combined chemo, mistletoe, music and art therapy. When I asked one of the consultants at the anthroposophical hospitals whether they had a treatment specifically designed for the individual to tackle the root causes of the cancer, I was told that their approach was to apply mistletoe therapy. Whilst I didn’t doubt that the mistletoe therapy was a brilliant remedy for certain illnesses, including cancer, in this case it was too unspecific.

What I knew right from the start and still needed to find was a renowned medical doctor, who was also trained in Homeopathy. Anybody who knows my dad knows how academic and skeptical he is, especially regarding matters of science. He would not follow somebody’s advice, unless they were properly trained, qualified and whose expertise he highly respected. But how would I find that kind of medical/holistic doctor and what type of homeopathic treatment could it possibly be, I felt would be the one?

Two weeks into my dad’s hospital stay William rang me up from England to tell me about a call he had received from our friend Ulrike who was studying at Eastbourne college to become a Homeopath. They were learning about the ‘Plussing Method’, which is a homeopathic approach to cancer treatment. The moment I heard about it, I knew that I had found what I was looking for. What a relief that was, the first solution was offered to me.  You can only imagine the relief and gratitude I felt towards Uli and the higher forces working behind the scenes.

If I could advise the readers of this article, I would recommend investigating the multitude of available cancer treatments. Of course everybody is free to take the chemotherapy route if they feel it is right for them. However, there are hundreds of alternatives you may have never even heard of, which might be perfectly suited for you. Or you might consider a combination of both; chemo and holistic treatment. Make sure you learn to tell apart those which are genuine and effective and those devised by people who prey on desperate patients. It was my dad’s consultant who also advised us to consider alternative healing methods. On the day my dad checked out of hospital, the consultant told us: ‘Consider treatments other nations use. The Chinese, for instance, don’t use chemotherapy. Watch out for charlatans though’.

Whatever you decide to do – and I can’t stress this enough – make sure you find out the root cause of the illness and make the appropriate lifestyle changes. One of the top consultants I found, who is fully trained in both medicine and Homeopathy, later explained to my dad; ‘you have to change something about your lifestyle because it is exactly this which has made you ill in the first place’.

During my father’s hospital stay, he underwent a 6-hour Whipple operation, a very common procedure in cases of pancreatic cancer. It was a day of incredible tension, because we had no idea what the doctors would find. We could only hope that the operation would turn out fine. Finally, in the late afternoon, I got hold of the surgeon and was told that the operation had been unsuccessful because the tumour had grown around the aorta, which made it too risky to operate. Later, when all the relevant tests had been carried out, the doctors told us that the entire pancreas was inflamed around the tumour and that nothing more could be done.

By the time my dad was released from hospital the second solution was found; I got in touch with one of Germany’s top consultants; Dr. Uwe Friedrich! His expertise was just what I had been looking for; not only was he specialised in 3 medical fields, on top of that he had been a Homeopath for 20 years. He advised against chemotherapy. “It does not cure the illness”, the consultant told my dad, “and it actually weakens your immune system. It can help in cases of Leukemia and Non Hodgkin Lymphoma, not really in yours”.  He pointed out the importance of addressing unhealthy attitudes or life styles as well as the willingness to continue to live, because otherwise Homeopathy could or would not work  efficiently.


Prof. Dr. med. Uwe Friedrich, medical doctor and Homeopath. He was the first doctor to consult my dad from both angels, conventionally and holistically, whilst applying the first homeopathic treatment.

He then referred him to a  colleague of his, Dr. Wacker, also a medical doctor and trained Homeopath. The advantage here was that he lived closer to my dad’s home town.

Dr. med. Andreas Wacker, he started treating my dad with the Plussing Method.

Dr. Wacker was the one who started the Plussing Method, after I arranged a meeting with him to discuss my dad’s case. He agreed that using Plussing would be the right treatment. He simply said: “Of course I can follow that programme with your dad, if he is happy for me to do so?!”

You see, during these times of extreme challenges,  I had to somehow work around my dad’s mind set. I knew that he would resist for this kind of treatment to work, unless it was introduced and applied to him by a qualified doctor he respected. Only recently, 20 years after his first diagnose,  did I reveal to him the story behind the discovery of Plussing, how I was connected to these highly trained medical/holistic doctors who took him on as a patient, leading to an astounding outcome.

There are many reasons as to why my dad healed from such a malignant tumour, one was his strong will to live. He would often say; “I am not ready to die yet but if I have to, then I have to accept it. Somehow I feel my time isn’t up”! Another important aspect was the time when he went into a chapel during his retreat and suddenly felt an overwhelming deep inner peace.

People I spoke to, who had felt that kind of peace during a severe illness, recovered in most cases. My dad also began to reflect on his past to see a link between that and the tumour.  My mother’s constant support and unconditional love, which also  went into the food she prepared for him, was a huge healing factor, not be dismissed.

Vanessa was with me for the entire 2 months we stayed in Germany, showing endless patience for an 8 year old girl. Her presence gave me strength and hope. William and Chris came to visit once during half term. Chris drew a fascinating image for my dad, which I later found out was the Reiki symbol of distant healing. It was a time of incredible learning and inevitably the pathway to my own healing practice today.

Eventually it was time for my daughter and me to return to England and trust in the future. We had done all we could. Now fate would take its course.

Whilst my dad was accurately applying the Plussing Method daily, he wrote his will and finished all the building work he never got to finish on his house. It was the one thing he’d never got round to doing – a loft conversion. He wanted to leave this life having completed as much as possible. It was very unusual for everybody to see huge cranes appearing on my parents’ tiny road to start 3 months of building work, my dad constantly supervising and even helping out when he could, rather than playing the victim.

At the end of May 2005, 1 day before my dad was due to have another CT scan, a camera team filming a documentary about Homeopathy and its effects, had arranged to use my dad as an important case study for their program. They could not believe their eyes as the building works were still ongoing at the time of their arrival.

At the end of the day my dad asked the director: “what if tomorrow they find that the tumour has spread? You can’t possibly use me in your documentary to explain to people how healing Homeopathy is”. The director replied: “We will decide then what to do”.

The next day, just before my dad went in for his CT scan he was ridiculed by one of the doctors for not having applied chemo. That doctor walked off absolutely appalled, saying; “the treatment you have chosen will never heal such a severe tumour!”  During the CT scan no tumour was found. The team of doctors was so perplexed that they began to wonder whether their CT scanner had broken.

We couldn’t believe it; weeks of anxiety, concerns, hopes, tears and tension had finally paid off. What about the time when we went to see my dad on the day after his operation? The surgeon took my brother Matthias to one side to tell him that my dad had a maximum of 1 year to live and we should enjoy every day.

2 weeks after my dad was given the all clear, the director of the film crew called “we need to come and see you again, some bits of the film footage aren’t right”. You can imagine how thrilled the entire crew was when they found out about my dad’s recovery. This time my dad was able to share the results of the diagnose during the interview.

Some people believed that it wasn’t a tumour after all, others were full of admiration for all the efforts and work I had put into this. Ulrike said to me; “you were pulling all the strings in this incredibly stressful time, without putting any pressure on your dad or forcing him into using what you thought would help him. You gave him a choice and put him in touch with the right doctors who applied the Plussing Method!”

Oh yes, all of this is true, and still it has to be said that there is no way I could have done any of this without the support and input of the people who were with us.

Find out in my next chapter how we found out the root cause of my dad’s cancer by applying the Journey method and by doing so, ensured that the tumour would never return.


History Lessons – Researching the past of WW2- Stepping into Peace Consciousness

The most common question I was asked during my travels was why nobody in Germany did anything to stop Jewish people from being deported and gassed in concentration camps. My answer was always the same; the majority had been so thoroughly brainwashed by Hitler’s extensive propaganda machinery from the early 1920ies onwards, that it was easier to continue to buy into the lie – that concentration camps were just places of labour and nothing sinister – than question the reality of what went on. The kind of people who had a suspicion felt it was safer not to mention it and for those frontline soldiers returning home, it was highly dangerous to talk about what they had witnessed. Some secretly believed that the deported deserved to be in these camps and felt ‘Schadenfreude’ (sadistic joy about other people’s damage/misery). People living close to concentration camps were complaining about the smell of burning flesh, but other than that they convinced themselves that surely there must be a good explanation for that. Resistance fighters were humiliated, sentenced, and executed. Those who spoke up risked being arrested, imprisoned or deported themselves.

Unfortunately, the following link has no English subtitles, but the images speak for themselves.

The bravest ones dared to hide the persecuted but by doing so were playing with their lives. Heroes, such as Schindler, cleverly found a way to save thousands from being killed.

Most Germans had become used to the Fuehrer’s hate-filled propaganda speeches and wanted to believe his promises to end the high percentage of unemployment by giving work to the many. His disgust towards the ‘culprits’ of the country’s misery, such as Jews, gipsies, and other “non-Arian parasites” to this date is so apparently appalling, that it makes one wonder how anybody could possibly fall for it again. To bring order and great economic growth into the country, ‘vermin’ (his words) had to be taken out of the system to breed the pure German race. To justify attacks against countries, the nation was told that the enemy was planning to attack them. The idea behind this was to conquer one country after another to build an ever-growing ‘Great German Empire’. The author of ‘My Kampf’ (My fight/battle; note it’s HIS fight) used typical dictatorship trickery to achieve totalitarian power; he would strictly deny to every political leader what they suspected – the start of WW2 – and trick them. He first took Austria back to the Reich (=empire), invaded parts of the Czech Republic and finally, with Poland’s invasion, started WW2.

The old traditional list of war justification nowadays is extended with further accusations, projected from the dictator and his puppeteers, onto the target; the danger of biochemical weapons or those of mass destruction. Mr Adolf did give jobs to the unemployed by letting them build motorways, years before the start of the war. This was necessary, to allow easy access and movement for tanks and other military vehicles. War preparations take many years to accomplish. It requires years of mind control, hate & lie distraction as well as normalisation of crime against humanity, by applying typical intense manipulative division tactics of mis-leadership. Consequently, war promotion represents the lowest form of consciousness and is therefore undeniably forever completely disconnected from the Source of all creation.

We all know today what happened to those deported and opposition leaders, who were executed. It is astounding to observe the fall of a previously tolerant society to the demands of a power-obsessed man, controlled by the 1 %, ruled by his destructive conquer ego mindset, overpowered by a fascination of evil. These craters of division, propelled by unjustified fear, anger, hate and/or indifference must never be allowed to enter our mindsets again. Remember that a dictator always wants to force his mental instability onto us and by doing so destabilises the world.

We should have learnt from these repetitive history lessons of pointless battles and dehumanisation. None of this would work though if everybody decided to do their own reality checks (including research of historical facts), performed regular ego management, and understood that nobody who really desires a great wellbeing for the people would or could ever act aggressively by instigating an attack. None of it has ever worked, nor will it ever succeed. The culprit is the instigator and if nobody within the country supports that, it is doomed to fail. That’s a really huge success.

When the war was finally over, German people were faced with the reality of everything that had occurred, especially between 1939 – 1945. The resistant fighters, previously named, shamed, sentenced, and killed, were now the most respected heroes of all. Streets, schools, and other institutions were named after them. People who risked their lives by pointing out Hitler’s obvious propaganda were admired and recognised for seeing through it all.  To show people the reality of what had happened in concentration camps, the Allies took them on a tour through them! 

Watch here:

The tables had turned and the ones who had turned a blind eye to the politics of dehumanisation were now ridiculed and humiliated. Hardcore Nazis were either killed by the Allies, committed suicide, stood trial at Nuremberg, or managed to escape to South America until found by human rights organisations.

The biggest burden of the German people was the worldwide shame and stigma they carried for decades to come! It had sunk deeply into the country’s consciousness.

Right now, we are experiencing a repetition of the past, only on an even bigger scale. How we react and act towards it is crucial for our human evolution. It is essential to see through old rotten methods of oppression to face & clear it, to overcome it with love and light. Every single one of us has agreed to wholeheartedly clear war consciousness. Thankfully, unlike 80 years ago, so many are standing up in unity, but more need to join the club of earthly reality, whilst remaining connected to the human spirit of solidarity. Evil cannot beat that intense light, it feeds off fear, division, indifference, and anger. This time we really can’t effort to fall for any kind of propaganda anymore, designed to turn us into powerless accomplices of oblivious obedience. We must release our souls from a dictator’s mindset to set ourselves free from slavery.

If we stand up and support the persecuted, we are standing up for ourselves, indeed we clear a highly toxic earthly consciousness, which will, in the end, benefit absolutely everybody. We must learn from our ancestors to never allow atrocities from centuries of historical repetition to relive themselves, but clear all those beliefs, based on the destruction of God’s creation. After all, we are God’s children and as such we must act from the power of love, for ourselves and for each other



How to protect yourself from negative energies and influences

Not too much focus should be given to negative forces and energies outside ourselves, other than knowing that they exist too and that there is a lot we can do to do something about them. The reason they are around is related to the feeding ground of the energy field present in our world, still containing more darkness than light. It is better to be aware of these kinds of influential negative energies than living in denial of them, to provide necessary precaution for self-protection and that of others. One could compare it with road safety rules; we know that cars will kill us if we cross the road without looking, yet we do not constantly think about how a car can injure us when outside or in traffic once we know how to protect ourselves from that danger. When it comes to negative energies, we have our free will choice and connection to the divine power of our spirit to be safe and eliminate all darkness from our lives, which would automatically dissolve contamination of the same low frequencies, currently running through our world. An over focus on negativity or dark forces consumes valuable energies, be it by reason of evil fascination, fear, a constant need to prove knowledge of hidden insider info, i.e., sensationalism, or a thirst for a false sense of power. Instead, these valuable energy resources of ours could be used to radiate positive vibes into the field of consciousness by emphasizing on creating conscious shifts, using the power of light. In addition, an over-focus on the bad and negative attracts even more of the same by giving it energy. If 80 % of potential energies were invested wisely on how to transform an overload of toxicity into love and positivity, darkness would cease to exist.

There are many negative influences trying hard to build a world of disharmony by subliminally planting anti-humanitarian beliefs and/or images of violence into people’s consciousness in every area of life or by adding more negativity to the current unhealthy climate. To keep everybody as low as possible, artificial problems need to be fabricated and projected into the global consciousness by causing hardship, such as manufacturing financial crisis, famine, illnesses, blaming nations, races, genders, or nationalities for the country’s misfortune, leading to profitable wars, and feeding into the financial wealth of the already mega rich, the very instigators of the artificial crises. Media broadcasts in every area of life can be a make-up of a mix of negative news, misinformation, and blatant lies. These cause the minds of many to be overly occupied with negative thought patterns, which then impact the joys of daily lives. Note that there are media broadcasts, which report actual truthful facts.

Yet, we have a right to be truthfully informed to understand how to go about in changing certain situations for the better. It is therefore vital to question everything we hear and read and be discerning in distinguishing truthful facts from fake misleading information, which make no sense when really investigating further by using common sense and thorough investigation. False information is fabricated and broadcasted to cause confusion, division and divert from the real issues so that the real destructive agenda can be played out behind the scenes, unnoticed.

The danger of remaining disconnected to our radiant spirit self (which means a disconnect to the human spirit) by holding onto old painful issues, mistrust in pure love, alcohol, or drug abuse of any kind, can be an attraction for mischievous spirits, who will find it easy to attach themselves to a person, often unable to detect such manipulative influences in her/his living space. What happens during drug intake of any kind or excessive alcohol consumption for instance, is that the person’s soul becomes fragmented and is captured by negative forces, whose intent it is to turn it into a dark soul.

Therefore, people under the influence of such substances often feel even more unstable, lost, anxious, angry, mentally disorientated than they did before turning to narcotics to overcome their troubles, because the loss of their most essential soul part can be strongly felt. The emptiness they so desperately tried to escape, increases, making them turn to substances even more, one to keep numbing themselves to escape hopelessness and two in a subconscious attempt to find their soul again in the same way they lost it. This also counts for drug intake in the hope for spiritual connection and healing. Our Higher Selves are connected to the highest frequencies there are, and no substance of any kind is capable to take us to that same level; drugs or narcotics do not represent a part of this realm and can therefore not provide the same kind of spiritual connection of an absolute ecstatic love feeling.

The powers we truly possess reach far beyond any substance intake and can be accessed naturally, by clearing anything in the way of it, with persistence, patience, perseverance, and caring support for one another. Trying to reach spiritual height by shortcutting it, often leads to a ‘mind crash’.

Should you still wish to experiment with substances of any kind, then it is advisable to meditate with a clear mind afterwards, to cut away any unhealthy cord attachments and reconnect immediately with your entire soul body. Note that a reconnection with one’s soul and spirit is always possible, with an appropriate authentic healing method and the willingness to remain anchored in purity.

Further signs of mischievous interferences are recurring negative thoughts of self-doubt, judgement, self-criticism, or that towards others, a hold on to anger, hate or envy, the need to upset or hurt somebody, constant exposure to abuse, demanding thoughts, beliefs of superiority, unworthiness, or a major focus on material gain; all signs that we need to take action to cleanse suppressed emotions, inner conflicts as well as recognise low frequency thoughts transmission; essential to maintain a good balance between our emotional, mental, and physical health, remain wholesomely empowered and free from manipulation and control. This will inevitably set us free from being controlled by our own unresolved inner emotional turmoil, resulting in freedom from negative influences, whereby freedom from such low energies need to be reaffirmed and checked on a regular basis, even for the most advanced of spiritual people.

The risks of becoming blasé about attracting mischievous forces to those convinced to be enlightened above all, impose as much of a danger as it does to those who consider themselves ‘lesser’ spiritually evolved. In fact, spiritual arrogance can be more damaging because here the person has opened to their higher dimensions and higher frequency spirit bodies. Coupled with arrogance or ignorance, which makes part of a lower frequency field, dark forces can slip through the spiritual ego net and manage to access the higher parts of a person’s auric field to cause deeper reaching damage.

Misguiding entities will go to wherever and whoever is allowing them to come close to. We must be truly clear in our minds that excessive attention on negativity, expressions of a negative destructive nature, supporting leaders who speak from hate and division, calling on negative forces, will result in an all-round destructive pattern, including that of the self. It does not give the power one is seeking because those influenced and working with mischievous spirits are only being used for selfish agendas.

Human elements, such as connection, support, care do not exist in these lower realms, where everybody is just carelessly using one another. This false sense of power inevitably completely weakens the mind and takes the person away from a far greater, meaningful, and purer state of mind, which is that of the unbreakable power of love. A cover up of our shining light, based on a fear or mistrust in love attracts all sorts of low spirits. It takes courage, strength, and honesty to stop all distractions and ask the question: “Do I harbour any internal darkness, such as thoughts, beliefs, vows, and why? What can I do to clear and transmute these into bright positive thinking patterns? Am I fascinated with evil and if so, what does my mind believe to gain from it? Are these the issues that cause me to have ‘dark moments?”

It is easier than we think to be cleared from the shadows of our inner world and shine a light on them. Unless we do, breaking through vicious circles will become a lot harder to accomplish. But once we start the process of transmutation, reconnection with the purity of our radiant spirit is ensured.

The difference between false power and divine self-empowerment is immense. A dominant dismissive dictating power always leads to failure, whilst remaining stuck in a dark void. Accessing one’s strength from the divine love consciousness is mighty, an indescribable feeling of being as one with the Higher Self. It only takes one thought to break free and make that decision to address painful experiences to reconnect with love, to turn one’s life around. It is breathtakingly liberating to gradually eliminate repetitive frustrating life patterns. The belief in genuine love alone makes it harder for negative attachments to take place.

Light spirit is always delighted to watch us grow in consciousness and radiate our fair share of light into the world. This kind of dedication will always be hugely supported. Pursuing realignment with our soul and spirit can sometimes feel like hard work, remaining stuck in restrictions and fear or giving up is tougher, since it causes heaviness, density, and illness. Self-empowerment always requires honest introspection and the willingness to tackle one’s issues with dignity. God or the Universe won’t simply wipe them away without us making a conscious decision first, followed by our own efforts to act and do our bit in a dignified manner. How else would we learn and grow to get a true sense of self-mastery?

To gain strength and fulfilment, willingness and determination is required on our path ahead.

The simple principles of God are based on a great purpose and that is to give everybody the freedom to operate within his cosmic structure of equality. At any given moment we are given endless choices whether we wish to cooperate with light to create from it or not. Inner harmonisation, peace-making, appreciation, embracing unconditional love, fine tunes us with the good energies we possess and in that we become that vibrant light again we originate from and are born with.

Our instincts will become so sensitive that toxicity of any kind, including that of low energies, seem totally unattractive and unbearable since the soul’s and spirit’s natural protection mode successfully kicks in to communicate to us when harmful energies are trying to come near.

In my work with people, I have found that attachments to negative energies can also stem from carrying obligational past life oaths to worship or approve darkness and/or destruction, religious controlling belief systems, condemnation against God or the self, thus resisting/rejecting anything good coming from Source, vows of an anti-loving nature, curses or bad wishes directed at the self or others. All you need to do is clear those by saying you wish to let go of them and act upon that. Replace them with positive love reinforcing affirmations.

Your guides will assist you in cutting old negative cords of obligational belief systems tying you to low energy forms on your journey of self-realisation alongside any possible fears of ‘what could happen’ when liberating the self. As debris of lifetimes of horded issues and toxicity dissolve, your chakra system develops strong connections to universal information and wisdom downloads, which can be used daily to support yourself and others.

In many teachings during spirit channelings, we were told about the dangers of attracting dark spirits when in a carnal relationship of any sort. This concerns physical intimate relationships and visual ones. Carnal energy is of an exceptionally low frequency and very damaging because the sacred, delicate highly powered intimate love is being used to satisfy the needs of a lower mind set. Using one another for basic sexual needs reverses the healing power of intimate love into the opposite, allowing entrance to malevolent entities.

Once you are firmly moving on your soul’s journey, it is advisable to ensure you continue to cleanse yourself emotionally. Ask for the highest protection and keep your senses open to discern between authentic connections and the ones who are trying to deflect you from your dedicated purpose by sabotaging your work, making your life difficult. It is not worth sacrificing your freedom; you are not unkind when giving yourself permission to walk away from hindrances. Just like we cannot force somebody to change for the better, nobody can force us to fall back into a ditch we have just come out from, to then end up being pushed back into it. We embrace commitment and support because we are here to support one another.

Distinguish constructive criticism and good advice from envious jealous remarks, designed to produce doubt and demotivation. Try not to be disheartened from hurtful remarks but instead develop a thick skin. Your internal work, progress and purpose must never be dismantled.

In any case of mischievous spirit attacks, call on your Guardian Angel to remove the entity. Simultaneously connect to your divine power and feel it vibrating, visualise a huge bright shining light radiating outwards, blinding the interference. If necessary, use holy water to sprinkle around (you can use filtered water, containing your blessings). This will free you and release you from being overpowered by unpleasant forces. Always ensure to be surrounded by a golden dome of light by doing regular visualisations.

Light always prevails over darkness and is therefore the stronger power. Nothing is more powerful than God’s unimaginable force of love channeling through. Know and learn the difference between the energy of loving light beings and that of unpleasant demanding manipulative influences.

Light beings are never demanding but always lovingly supportive and trustworthy, only giving out information helpful to one’s spiritual growth. Sometimes the answers come at a later stage or not as expected. Be prepared to hear the truth from spirit, even if that does not fit in with your previous concept or belief. During our medium communication groups, I have seen a lot of gratitude as well as aggressive unjustified reactions, especially when messages brought from spirit did not correspond with what the individual expected to hear. Light spirits are incapable of lying.

Their intention is to always bring clarity into conflicting pieces of misinformation, to clear confusion, illusion and give us opportunities on our path for spiritual growth. The way of light spirit communication must never interfere with the choice of free will, meaning it is always based on our own decision-making mind. The energy felt from light spirit is always gentle but powerful.

The energy of a dark entity can sometimes be difficult to detect, on other occasions it is clearly obvious. One way to ensure valid contact with Source energy is  by stating to your Guardian Angel that you wish to only be connected to pure light Beings and if it is not originating from Source, then you are not interested.

Be noticeably clear about this statement, without any hidden desires of spiritual self-importance. Your Guardian Angel has no free will and therefore must follow yours, which means that anything of darkness will be removed once you express that wish. Equally your Guardian Angel must step aside if you choose to connect with a negative force.

Always check for authenticity with your heart. One clear indication that a lower vibrational entity is trying to latch onto you is the absence of the feeling of love. Using the word ‘love’ alone is insufficient and does not mean it is vibrating in love energy. Another sign of manipulative interference is when too much information is given to any of your questions or by constantly reassuring you that YOU are the greatest; undoubtedly a sign of impurity as a high being would always point out the importance every human equally plays in its role of being of service. Placing demands, expectations or delivering certain future predictions do not come from Source beings, nor is the information given about somebody else’s personal or intimate life. In a nutshell, if you understand the protective, self-empowering love of God’s energy, then you can clearly distinguish between spirit beings from that very same level of God consciousness or the opposite.

Remind yourself that we are light and to that we can return if we so desire. Rewards will show themselves as a deep sense of inner fulfilment as the return to wholeness is a reward within itself; after all we are connecting with the truth of our existence, which constantly brings about a deep sense of grand wellbeing for the greater good, suffused with an exhilarated feeling to be alive!

Each one of us is by its very nature individually equally important to create an expansion in awareness on the healing platform of our planet. The humble certainty of this fact alone makes us stand tall and strong to deceptive voices, only telling us what the ego wants to hear. We are divinely powerful enough to create the exact harmonious world again to which we were initially sent to live and love together. We can be much brighter and do things so much better than what we were conditioned to believe.

Resolving issues lightens up our spark and in time will turn into a bright flame for the passion for life, forming a protective shield around us. We become our divine purpose again and nothing can stop us on this exciting endeavour. We align with the instincts of our common senses and good spirits, which in time we learn to trust again in their clear guided vision of the truth of our existence. In that all darkness will be washed away by an ocean of love waves, soaked in the frequency of high consciousness.

The danger of Artificial Intelligence (AI) vs. Infinite Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

“As long as the majority of the human race is focused on control, greed, material wealth, masking underlying fears – a sign of love disconnection – and as long as war consciousness dominates our natural state of seeking peace, humanity will continue to abuse power and can therefore not be completely trusted! This includes the handling of advanced technology, as the lack of respect and gratitude for human creation is still greater than the care in acting for the highest good of all. 

‘Playing God’ at all costs, driven by an out-of-control Super Ego needing to exploit and accumulate, is placing a huge risk on human existence. But how can global war consciousness be brought to a halt? By harmonising each and every inner conflict from within ourselves first and then acting peace and harmony outwards to create the desired cosmic shift in consciousness.”

At the time of writing this chapter, AI has only just begun to openly enter our lives! Yet, preparations and development of AI technology have been ongoing for many years. The plan behind this is not only based on aiding people to access information quicker; devices – such as Alexia, Google Nest and Amazon Echo – are already in many homes. There is another, more sinister reason behind this whole agenda; and that is to replace human consciousness with total mind control.

AI technology is more refined and used for specific tasks in factories and hospitals, where previously human skills were required. It is also used for calculating solutions in an incredibly short space of time. To a certain degree this is very practical because where a robot can assemble cars or carry out certain medical tasks alongside surgery procedures in a safe and secure way, a person can focus on different complex tasks. AI only becomes an issue when it is used to replace human consciousness of making decisions from a free-thinking mind, in an attempt to overpower and control life on our planet.

In decades of preparational work, the human race had to first of all be made familiar with the introduction of AI by changing and altering the global mindset, in ways to get people to become accustomed to mind control and artificiality. It had to be seen as something normal, and nature as something unimportant and unnecessary. Those who want to control absolutely everything and everybody know exactly through years of data research, via social media for instance, how to alter certain key aspects of the human consciousness by emphasizing personal weaknesses, using those to target and demolish true inner strength and divine self-empowerment. All done in order to divert the human race from raising in consciousness. Dark energies know very well about the importance of the power of pure love in every area of life and the transformational power we all carry in our DNA.

Keeping minds stuck in a material world, where money, looks, status, degrees, class systems and fame are all that matters will divert from our true essence and its original plan and purpose. Ego can take residence everywhere, where these superficial elements are given major priority, even in spiritual practices. The essence of the spirit has been heavily diluted and contaminated by temptations, in the spiritual and ‘non-spiritual’ fields (we are all spiritual beings) by excessively focusing on material artificial topics and an over-eagerness to reach quick spiritual enlightenment. Many try to bypass their challenges by ignoring or denying them. Yet, we cannot raise in frequency without thoroughly addressing our soul’s chosen tasks, which inevitably leads to love. Anything else is irrelevant to our soul and spirit.  Spirit is unconditional love; love is life, and the meaning of life is to create heaven on earth.

Look around and recognise the influence plastic surgery already has on the younger generation, who are made to believe that only by looking a certain way will they obtain the desired recognition and admiration to eliminate a lack of self-worth. Our youngsters are fed via different channels and influencers that the meaning of a successful life is based on materialism and artificiality. Yes, plastic surgery is needed in serious cases or severe deformation but not to create a trend of artificial look-a-likes whereby the uniqueness of every human is suffocated. Here a method has been developed to destroy the natural beauty of uniqueness and by focusing only on artificiality and superficial looks, our original DNA is hugely suppressed, as all focus goes to the outside, rather than within. Plastic motionless expressionless faces are a preparation to get us used to AI appearances, void of any soul consciousness.

In this current climate, we have been hugely confronted with corrupt politicians and specific cult-like organisations worldwide, strategically positioned in different parts of the world to produce a sense of normality towards hatred, violence and untruths by openly spreading lies, parallel to flooding the population with contradicting statements alongside constant production of confusing fake news. This has opened floodgates for trolls and wannabe ‘game rulers’ to spread all sorts of conflicting misinformation, causing more division and conflict, which in turn promotes even more violence. One major agenda behind dividing unified countries and preparing people to fight with each other in disagreements is to manufacture justifiable reasons to instigate wars. Robot soldiers are perfect for turning an already seemingly out-of-control situation into total uncontrollable destruction. We mustn’t be fooled about the excuses dictators will use to get away with invading countries to cause mass destruction.

These tactics only work if we allow them to do so.

There are female and male robots replacing human presence to the point where people have them as a friend, servant or intimate substitute companions living with them. The latter is a convenient way to avoid connecting with a real human in matters of love. This slims down the chances of getting hurt again because the presence of a robot guarantees complete control. No interaction or having to deal with a different way of thinking in exchanging a variety of thought processes is required. This kind of robot partner never disagrees and does as it is told. It is totally understandable when looking at a person’s individual life experience and how that has shaped and disillusioned somebody’s ability to wish to lovingly interact with human life. Know that negative influences do everything in their power to cause upset for hearts to close. People shut down to love and numbed out are a lot easier to control.  If we really wish to remain in charge and empowered, we need to take matters into our own hands and choose love above artificial replacements.

If a wizard could magically cast all your fears of love away, would you opt for that possibility or would you rather remain immune to an exchange in love matters and choose a robot before a human? There are many effective healing methods that make it possible to get over the numbness in masking pain; there is a way out of an accumulation of hurt. Dive deep into your heart to find that spark again. Connecting with it re-awakens the wisdom you hold in the centre of your spirit. The eternal presence of the power of love is the place we all come from and will one day return to. Why keep a loving heart stuck behind old walls of protection, at the expense of the one life we have right now? Faith is essential to take that necessary step in moving forward to combat difficulties in one’s soul-chosen lessons.

We set certain tasks and challenges before incarnation; we are equipped to achieve resolutions but can become disheartened when moving through life. Sometimes we need support, it requires us to be open to receiving it with a trustworthy person offering a guiding hand. We are the ones making that choice to transform disempowerment or the need to overpower into divine self-empowered again, we have the final say.

During human interaction we learn a great deal in handling and cooperating with each other. When we are challenged with different mindsets, we begin to explore a lot about ourselves too, we master tolerance and responsible decision-making. This opens our minds to new solutions and thought processes from each other. It brings colour into our lives and allows essential character-building to take place. Think of one loving person, animal or situation you had the joy to be connected to, a random act of human kindness you were allowed to witness; focus on that. Rebuild your trust, connect with like-minded people you can trust and who can trust you and expand into this energy. One does not need to have thousands of followers; what matters is the quality of connections.

True passion and desire cannot happen when interacting with a robot as a partner, incapable of living and expressing feelings. After all our bond is through love consciousness. Creating love together produces the most powerful far-reaching light, dissolving conflict all over.

When asking Spirit about the purpose behind the invention of AI, only a few reasons were communicated to us at the time, some of which I will mention here.

The plan, we were told, is to control humans and turn them into obedient servants, following every order without questioning. At present a lot of damage is done to our world, forests are being burnt down to extremes, the air and waters are being polluted, wildlife is destroyed, human rights are being heavily altered into that of injustice, inequality, suppression, division and discrimination by instigating one war after another. If we remain oblivious to the real agenda of warmongers, we will sleep walk straight into WW3. 

It is therefore of utmost importance to unite and stand up to what is undoubtedly anti-humanitarian in every way. What would be unacceptable for us, must therefore logically and naturally also be unacceptable to nations having to fight off invaders and warlords. 

Reports about AI are broadcasted and brought to people’s awareness to slowly turn artificial reality into the new norm of life, making it sound as if artificial ‘intelligence’ is a genius and good idea. All the trouble production in the world, convincing nationalities that countries need to be separated from a unified state, are preparation and distraction from the real damage going on all around, i.e. out of balance weather conditions and anti-humanitarian politics. In order to distract from AI, a separate shock therapy will be introduced. (There was no pandemic at the time of writing). We must see the real reasons behind all of what is happening. After all the plan is to have robots gradually replace conscious human life, designed to give out more fake information and news. We rely too much on information and data coming from a machine, which – after all – has been fed into their system by humans. How do we know that every bit of info that comes out of an AI system is always correct? Another cunning tactic is to brainwash people with conflicting fake news, only serving those who wish to control the world in an attempt to play God, a concoction to play the game of modern slavery. People who stop thinking for themselves are much easier to control; without their own opinion, they get caught up in a man-made society belief system, dictated by false prophets. We are only free when we are able to reconnect with the electromagnetic field of universal truthful love energy.

In addition, robots radiate toxic energy as they are remote-controlled devices powered by 5G radiation, made from materials toxic to the body.

The name says it all; AI is not related to natural life or universal intelligence! It is artificial, made from ego, in competition to a higher consciousness, therefore not produced from and with infinite intelligence. Our bodies, souls and spirits are created from the source of consciousness, its infinite intelligence is boundless, non-controllable and non-controlling. The make-up of the human body and mind is so complex, that there is no way that anybody, not even the total sum of all geniuses, could possibly copy and paste such a highly intelligent creation that holds a spirit/soul connection. The source of life cannot be duplicated by humans, especially not those taken over by their superego minds.

What can we do to keep the purity of the human race alive? First of all, know that the evolution of the human race is not solely based on its technology. We possess far greater capacities than any man-made technology could ever offer; it is just dormant, buried in the consciousness of our DNA. Many of these capacities can be re-evoked now. The magnitude of the real divine manifesting powers we once possessed in ancient times can only be brought back to life the moment humanity can be trusted again to operate from unity, togetherness, honesty, dignity, respect and gratitude for each other as well as God’s love and harmony.

There are thousands of activists, human rights groups and a vast sum of people standing up for justice, rebelling against the irresponsible reckless behaviours of power-stricken leaders and the well-known 1 % mega-rich, only acting for their own narcissistic interest of profit and fame. Never before have the consequences of such selfish actions been so visible to the entire world and what it is doing to our wildlife and our habitat. A poisoned earth will contaminate us, which is the whole point of the actions of destructive forces.

Yet, we must never give up hope and give in. Together we can truly master anything. All that needs to happen is for us to honestly look at our own actions and the effects they have, explore our minds, regularly remove any tucked-away issues and focus on what really matters in life. In that we raise in consciousness, something AI does not have and never will be able to do. Humanity cannot survive without its connection to the source of Universal consciousness and love. Life is not possible without God’s connection and involvement with us. Nothing can blossom or flourish without the energy of love. Life grows where love flows!

Therefore, dare to embrace all of you, let’s love all of what you were given for free. We must look with eyes wide open and truly appreciate everything we have been taking for granted for far too long.

We are nobody’s slaves! God has given us everything we need, every attribute we seek is already here. We are divinely self-sufficient and empowered. We are sparks of God’s consciousness and in that, we are self-responsible for our choices and decisions. Spirit will guide and support us, but they won’t do it for us.

Every dark cloud that we clear from within our hearts will lift another load of the heaviness that surrounds the planet at present.

If we woke up to who and how we really are, hesitation would dissolve and instead of remaining passive observers, the genuine activist within us would come to live. Procrastination needs to become a word of the past, numbness towards a build-up of an artificial control system would give way to the self-expression of our individual radiant personality types.

Remember that our spirit is always present, ready to be activated to naturally transform. Robots do not have a consciously operating DNA structure, connected and vibrating in love. This is something which can never be copied, replicated or cloned.

God in his infinite intelligence, to which we are all connected, if we choose to, has put certain measures in place to ensure that nothing could possibly ever take over his creation of life on earth. He has gifted us with his powerful energy of unconditional love. Purity does not relate to toxic leadership, nor does it support such arrogance.

In the words of spirit: “We hope that enough people wake up to what is going on in your world, to bring about a huge essential shift, turn darkness into light, filled with all of your and our love in conjunction with our support. Know it starts from within YOU. Combined in unity we are able to manifest infinite miracles of life.”

Fist channeled and written in January 2020

Links edited at the time of publishing this article

Growing up witnessing narcissistic abuse

During my childhood I learnt an awful lot about the psychology behind narcissistic abuse. From the age of 8 years old I witnessed first hand every possible tactic, applied to perform gaslighting in a terrifying manipulative hurtful way. This was directed towards the women in our family, indirectly effecting us children. Experiences of that kind propel children from one moment to another into adulthood. In a desperate attempt to deal with this situation as best as possible, I thoroughly began looking into the psychology of such manipulative mind sets. Why and how could anybody inflict such pain? The daily excessive stress we found ourselves exposed to needed to be addressed; time to get real with what was playing out right in front of us. This could only be done by honest observation and mind exploration. Looking back I remember how desperate I was to protect those I loved so much Luckily I did! There was this inner voice telling me NOT to remain oblivious to the reality of what was going on. It was unnatural for me to hide away and ‘just let them get on with it’, which can be a natural thing for a child to do. Had I dismissed that inner voice to protect, the physical abuse would have ended up tragically. My way of showing solidarity and love was to act and protect. For of all the obvious reasons why I stood in between the victimiser and the victim, one of them was the knowing that one of the ladies in particular was here to teach me unconditional love. In my heart I knew that this would be a very important lesson in my life and that one day this experience had to be transformed in teaching others.

My childish beliefs at the time were simple; live in harmony, togetherness, protect one another, have fun, try to come to some agreement, love. Most children think that way but this can change over the years through a string of life’s conditioning, fueled by society’s implanted belief systems of nonacceptance, of not being good enough. This takes us away from unity into unhealthy competitive thinking patterns; success is measured by the amount of money or titles we possess. False religious belief systems have confused the essence of our true spirit, i.e. preaching of a loving but yet resentful God, one that will come crashing down on us shameful sinners if we dare open up to boundless joy or consider the joy of love making anything other than an act of impurity, solely designed for child production. Built in false belief systems around God have lead to conflict, to many religious wars. Power driven politicians have used this as a perfect excuse to play with human life. Their argument towards the people of their country is always the same; in order to have peace, we must fight wars, lets start yet another war in God’s name.

Could all of this be part of the underlying issues of the anti-humanitarian approach I was observing around me?

No matter how I tried to justify any adult ego actions, none of this conditioning made any sense to me, the catholic teachings convinced me even less. Why would an unconditionally loving God condition us at all cost and only love us under certain conditions and on top of that wants us to suffer and fight? Aren’t these the actual sins? Why are we forced to confess, regardless whether we had actually ‘sinned’? How often was I forced to confess and couldn’t think of anything horrible I had done, other than being bullied myself. Still, I was forced to confess and actually had to make up a lie just to come up with anything. ‘Surely, this can’t be right either’ I remember thinking! ‘being forced to lie to then show false remorse ….what kind of God would come up with such hypocrisy!?’ What about the belief that a confession can simply wash away our deeds in case we did actually cause harm. Why is it ok for an ego driven personality to continue just in the same way as before confession to then think its all gone? How can 100 Ave Maria prayers wipe away our human sins, without further investigation behind the reason for unjust actions? How about some true self reflection and forgiveness, followed by self improvement? Why would God punish us for things that come naturally to us? Is he not the creator of diversity and individuality after all? Why are the very people who go to church every Sunday so full of contradiction and believe they can get away causing harm to others? Do they really believe that doing lip service to GOD is sufficient to be considered a ‘good caring’ person? I remember at the time observing church goers, trying to figure out how they could sit there, all eyes on a crucified Jesus, whilst holding their hands in prayer but actually not acting or living a life according to his teachings!

Surely something deeper and profound had to be found and done to come to peace and in alignment with a loving force.

Just to eliminate any misunderstandings; there are plenty of religious people who do an awful lot of good from the truthful core of their hearts, guided by the original teachings of their religion, based in love!

The aforementioned description counts for everything in life. Do we live our truth or a lie? Spirituality has replaced many of the religions, which doesn’t mean that the same contradictions aren’t applied in the same manner, only dressed up as ‘spirituality’.

My childhood beliefs never changed but instead have become a certainty. Many times people tried to convince me otherwise; its normal to send men to war as cannon fodder, there will never be peace, its accepted to mistreat women by controlling them into obedience, its pointless to follow one’s purpose … Why would I choose to believe something that truly makes no sense at all? How different our world would be if all we did was become love again?! Whats wrong with that and why have we become so used to constantly act against our natural selves? We could lead such beautiful lives, just like it was intended to be. We are made from love, everything on this planet is. God is not an angry old man sitting on a cloud, pointing his finger at us losers, denying us all the happiness he has originally filled us with.

He is the highest vibration energy frequency there is. Every molecule and atom, every cell on this planet is flooded with his consciousness.

Yet, if we were made to believe that we are separate from God because we are sinners or were given false images of him projected onto us, then we become divided within us. Rather than uniting us in harmony, separation from his divine consciousness takes place. Man made replacements of illusionary belief systems, expressing itself as the ego-self, will always fail to compensate for our loss in faith and trust. How we begin to see the world, how we behave, how we treat each other, how we look up to deranged leaders depends on our perception. Lies, violence and betrayal can never be the norm. Altered images will lead to a life half lived. Yes, we can’t always agree and many times we get hurt. We can choose to break away from old conditioning to reconnect with unconditional love, instead of using mountains of suppressed pain to control that which can never be controlled; our true loving selves and each other. Rejecting the best parts of us because of some deeply rooted convictions of unworthiness and nonacceptance creates frustration, leading to anger, insecurity turning into fear. A healthy attitude towards life and our fellow human beings will therefore be harder to achieve. Living in harmony with our soul/spirit and bodies makes life effortless.

Continuing to see our creator as an energy of a loving but yet raging presence, is what will make us follow and belief in false prophets. Acceptance of a twisted God draws us to opt for twisted ‘leaders’. We have forgotten what real powerful love feels like.

What we do to another, we do to ourselves. Love is not violent but gentle and yet powerful beyond our wildest dreams, it brings people together instead of dividing them, it harnesses and values life, rather than recklessly abuse it. Pure love does not demand but suggests, guides and supports rather than force and suppress the very best of us.

During these challenging childhood years all I knew is that somehow a solution had to be found to stop this violent and mentally destructive pointlessness. So I did what I could; I comforted, consulted, mediated, interfered during physical abuse to stop it and – to my surprise – I prayed and prayed. If there was a Higher Force, it could only be pure goodness. Its not ‘holy’ to cause such harm to anybody, not to speak of a loved one. Where does the arrogance come from to believe that it is fine to use love as a weapon? Life is precious, all of life is.

One thing I was unable to do because it never was and to this day is rarely taught to us, was to learn how to heal painful scars from trauma and how to thoroughly release negative emotions. The only way how to deal with intense challenging situations was to suppress stressful emotions, one because it was a matter of survival and two because there was no alternative method. Buried negativity is not a sign of strength but will in fact lead to oppression and, in a worst case scenario, make us belief this is normal to the point where we follow and fall for the same old energy life patterns. Physical and emotional issues are the results of that. Do we always have to wait for a wake up call in order to change towards a healthier direction?

It is not easy to admit that somebody we thought we could trust at any point in our lives, turns out to have very disturbing damaging trades, especially if it severely effects other’s quality of life. Turning a blind eye is definitely not the way forward, one has to see reality for what it is. We can not transform a no-way out situation into a positive outcome, if we ourselves are allowing to be swept into a turmoil of highly destructive behaviour of any form, born from an ego mind controller. When we look at the exact status quo of what is going on and address that with pure intent, then a whole new world of hidden truths are revealed to the self. This is the moment where we can take action.

Uncovering lies, looking behind manipulative ego games, connecting the dots of a conditioned mind set from unhealthy inherited belief systems, based on trauma, disappointments, harsh upbringings and how that plays itself out with different people involved, is an introduction into a world of the psychology of a false identity. At the same time it gives us windows of opportunities to find creative holistic solutions with long lasting effects to bring our fair share of the good we can do. ‘Why create more hardship rather than trying to solve present challenges to improve life? This cannot be our life’s purpose’, were my predominant thoughts as a child. Physical/emotional abuse and betrayal are not our original human trade marks. Love must be the answer to many questions. Seeing clearly the difference between loving and non-loving actions through behavioural patterns, be it in our private lives, our work environment or political leadership, gives us the strength to jointly maneuver ourselves out of highly destructive conflicts.

Somebody in power who agrees to something that pleases us individually, but still causes plenty of damage effecting others, is still destructive. Distorted belief systems of all sorts, including that of a two faced God, need to be transformed into visions born from love.

My attempts to turn an extreme case of narcissistic abuse around lasted for 5 years, after which I found myself counselling my school friends. I didn’t even know I was doing it and it wasn’t a way to distract from myself. It was a natural development. One big lesson I took away from the experience was to never allow anybody to use and abuse me and in case it did happen, to find a way out of it. There was also an inner desire to come out of any suppression, if that was to happen.

Although I saw some terrible things, interestingly I also saw the real self of a person and the good it could do if living in the prison of a false identity was not an option anymore. What is it we don’t wish anymore and how can this be transformed. The history of the human race can only be stopped from repeating itself when we start to see clearly, starting with ourselves. Breaking out of old comfort zone conditioning can be so difficult, yet remaining in it will never set us free.

My aunt died as a result of being married to a bully narcissist who was using verbal abuse as a way to control and dominate her and by doing so oppressing her femininity to the point where her body was so intoxicated from inner disharmony that it became cancerous.

During her life she was constantly humiliated and ridiculed by her husband. He did whatever he wanted, causing her much pain. It made her nervous, restless, giving her a feeling of incompleteness and unworthiness. Her way to balance and outweigh such undeserved disrespect was by compensating in material replacements. When she passed over, her husband broke down in terrible guilt and despair. To this day he is full of regrets, from knowing that he could and should have treated his wife with recognition and love.

Maybe because of witnessing destructive behaviour as well as observing resilience on those who were hurt the most, I somehow managed to make the most of my life. These times remain unforgettable and precious, something I wouldn’t want to miss. What a gift to meet a variety of a colourful mix of outstanding people, teaching me so much.

What I didn’t know was that – despite my determination and strength, my inner appreciation of life, lots of fun loving moments – the pain and residues of the trauma were still stored inside the cells of my body. Because of the belief that ‘pushing down’ sadness and powerlessness of unpleasant past times was the best coping mechanism, I would not allow myself to see a connection between childhood experiences and a prolapsed disc later on in life, followed by severe panic attacks. The trigger for this sudden collapse of my physical system, leading to a destabilization of my emotional state was during a time were there was little support, emphasized by huge burdens of financial stress; a situation which was totally avoidable, carried out behind my back against my intuition (hence the prolapsed disc).

Determined to become my independent self again and guided by my own promise I had made as a child, to not allow anything or anybody to keep me suppressed for life, I found one of the most powerful cellular healing techniques available; the Journey work. Here I was, fascinated by the ability to explore my own mind and its connections to the past as well as dive even deeper into the human psychology and follow that all the way back to previous lifetimes. It was not easy at first to re-train my mind to allow my soul to explore and connect with stored cell memories of unfinished business; from being an expert of storing away negative feelings into the depth of my being, I was now challenging myself in becoming a master of surrender into old painful emotions and by doing so thoroughly releasing it through every cell of my body.

My childhood dream and desire was always to assist people in their transformation and show them their best part to come out of destructive ego patters. How amazing would it be if I could help other people feel whole again. …?

Fired up by the endless healing possibilities Journey work was offering, I suddenly found myself standing right in the center of my heartfelt purpose. It had been a long winding road to finally find myself absorbed with my passion and professionally working from it. Who would have thought that the experiences from hardship coupled with some promises I made to myself, would eventually lead me to do the very work I love doing so much; supporting people in opening up to the power of unconditional love by reconnecting them with the true essence of their beautiful spirit.

How to distinguish between the divine and a narcissistic personality disorder

There are different types of narcissistic behaviours, depending on the person’s personality type disorder. Here are some of the major characteristics, described in short:

The narcissistic drama queen uses a more dramatic approach to create a Hollywood style of suffering, intended to attract as much sympathy as possible. They will use any type of tragedy to put themselves into the forefront, making it look as if it was for a real cause. The bully narcissist, also known as the sociopath, acts out its erratic confrontational approach through direct verbal and physical threats and abuse, using that as the most powerful tool for suppression and fear production, to the point where people are afraid to freely speak or even dare to be their true selves. The paranoid type suspects betrayal behind every action, wrongly perceived to be directed at the self from an overload of suspicion, which in actual fact is a mistrust towards the self in this case. Distinguishing confusing false conspiracies from actual facts becomes a real challenge. The passive/aggressive type operates with hidden strategies, much harder to be backtracked, especially because they use false-projection tactics in order to distract from their damaging actions (this is in actual fact a method applied by all narcissistic types). Whilst everybody is now focused on the wrongly accused, they can cause more harm, unhindered. The few that can see clearly what is happening are often dismissed, precious time is wasted, during which false promises are made, never meant to come to fruition. Anything is done to give the ego what it needs: followers, praise, admiration.

There are narcissistic types who possess one of the aforementioned trades, others have a combination of them.

It is important to understand the Enneagram in order to clearly see the difference between a person’s true spirit in comparison to the ego self. One side of the spectrum represents the true brilliance in each and every one of us; a kaleidoscope of different personality types, merged with the wisdom of the spirit, acting selflessly from its purpose to be of service, the other indicates a falling away from this natural radiance into an all self-absorbed, destructive ego driven construct of a false identity. When in a healthy state of true identity we work together harmoniously, balancing each other out. A person unable to address underlying issues for a variety of reasons, will begin to disconnect from its love connection to the Higher self and begin to shift into an unhealthy state of non-spirituality, replaced by a fabrication of an ego identity. Over time the ego self shapes itself into the person’s original healthy behavioural model, suppressing more and more its true identity by tricking the mind to believe it is the ‘real deal’. An overload of ego is always an illusion, a cover up of the true self. It clouds the wholeness of the divine within a human through a disconnection to the divine source of love. In other words; leaving unfinished business undealt in the corners of the subconscious mind field, leads to the opposition of a person’s authenticity.

Endless possibilities are always given to dismantle an overload of an ego build up, if the person is willing to do so. This opens doors back into Oneness with the spirit self, expanding into the total sum of the original human spirit. Our home is who we really are; deep inner peace, harmony, happiness, togetherness, love. Source is a constant supplier to keep the vibration at its highest level, it is up to us whether we wish to connect with that or not. If we do, then any needs for demanding behaviours, control, dis-harmonisation, dismantling of a healthy state of consciousness, fall away. Stubbornly holding on to an over active ego self always leads to blocking our cells from their essential high frequency energy of love, leaving them in a toxic environment, contaminating the mind(s) to the point of complete personality disorder.


When exploring the personality disorder of a narcissist, it is done to raise full awareness of the crippling consequences this will lead to if left unaddressed; the ego pattern of a narcissist leaves trails of widespread destruction behind, causing conflict in every way possible. People can easily get caught up in the mind games of this kind of personality disorder; a narcissist knows how to wrap its prey or people around its finger to then attack or lash out when least expected, using a vocabulary of specifically selected harsh words and unpredictable actions to shock the victim into obedience. Shocked from such unexpected attacks, the victim remains in a state of confusion, uncertainty and insecurity. Here is where the mind game becomes obvious. Those who escaped narcissistic relationships take a while to heal but once they have freed themselves from the shackles, they can claim their souls back and choose from the gift of free will to finally do all they can to stand in their true divine power.

What drives a narcissist is the need for constant admiration for self-aggrandisement. Measures are put in place to have absolute control over everybody. Without these obligatory ties in place, the narcissist is unable to feed from people’s energy fields; obedience, obliviousness, sacrificing one’s power by blindly following the leader in a co-dependent state of false trust, turns into an oppressive blame game launched by the narcissist, whereby in the end nobody wins. Taking pleasure in people’s suffering builds up the ego type even more, giving it a false sense of obsessive self-importance. Building and maintaining walls of separation are always constructs of the ego mind. ‘Leaders’ who suggest and then have actual walls built, never come from an authentic place of bringing people together. Listening to lies, wrapped in dictatorship-like actions become the norm. Clearly this indicates a downward spiraling leadership, into a dark non-loving world, where hate and pointless hardship rule.

The time has come where humanity has to move out of this habitual low vibration state of human consciousness. Too many families, groups or communities are effected. The impact political narcissistic leaders have is dire for the economy, the world, the environment, and communities, with devastating results, causing division between genders, races, nations, the rich and poor. Shockingly we can see that agonising painful separation between immigrant children and parents have become accepted, as well as betrayal against allies, extinction of animal species, poisoning and destruction of the planet; all of which is a direct result of dictatorial leadership. Denying humanity’s expression of free will in a democratic world is a dangerous endeavour.

In extreme cases the pompous appearance of some currently in leading positions can lead to civil unrest or world wars.

One of the major basic issues of a narcissistic behavioural disorder is absolute terror of loosing its grip of the abuse of power. Coupled with a lack of self esteem and suppressed pain the power driven narcissist continues to lash out to the outside world. Playing God becomes their favourite game and in that the human spirit gets lost. Without the human spirit they can convince anybody that they are THE one and only saviour! In reality we have been warned for centuries about what is happening now, and that is to watch out for false prophets.

Political narcissists are perfect puppets for a very small percentage of highly destructive individuals, the 1 % of the super rich whose identity is not based on a lack of self esteem and terror but rather on a system of totalitarianism/ authoritarianism. They have moved beyond the need to play God and belief indeed that they are more powerful than anybody. The amount of control they have is based on immeasurable vast accumulations of wealth, possessions as well as collaborating with dark forces. Love is not on their agenda, instead it is the enslavement of the human race.

Definition of authoritarianism: it is characterized by highly concentrated and centralized power maintained by political repression and the exclusion of potential challengers. It uses political parties and mass organizations to mobilize people around the goals of the regime.

A pure unconditionally loving creator, who – by the way – does not create evil, we do, wishes for every single one of us a prosperous abundant life. All we have to do is use the gift of our own creative powers from love to keep transforming negative ego produced ripples of energy into positive outcomes, directly from our Higher selves.

The ego driven narcissistic leader does the exact opposite by keeping negative thought patterns alive, causing more toxicity. A loving God always grants us access to live in harmony with all of existence, firmly anchored within the core of divine self empowerment.

Hypocrites acting in disservice towards the human race are demanding, manipulative, void of any compassion with a strong need to control the masses against each other, initiators of war. A spider web of dark interconnections is sold to us as the only solution to peace. Why would we fall for such traps throughout centuries? There is only one force in charge of its own creation and that is the Source of infinite intelligence. Our spirits are woven into the divine law of Oneness, a place where ego will never succeed.

The importance of acceptance by living in the NOW of non-denial

Let me start this chapter of ‘Accepting the NOW’ with valuable lessons learnt with the experience we had when my dad was diagnosed in 2004 with pancreatic cancer.

The beauty with these vital life lessons is that we can assist many struggling along the way, lost in a vastness of controversy emotions and energies. Everything described right here can be related to many of you out there. All the time I uncover new revelations, my desire is to share the experiences with everybody in support. This is naturally ingrained within our DNA. May every word written reignite that what you already know, deep down inside your hearts and may it also be a reflection of something you have come across, making it easier to deal with it. Know that you are not alone in what you are going through, we are here to support one another.

One very important aspect I learnt throughout life and especially during the time of my father’s illness was to accept a current situation, regardless of its difficulty to do so. Had I remained passive and inactive in certain situations, all the way back to early childhood, my mother would not be alive anymore and I would have remained stuck in old toxic environments, riddled with deep unhappiness. But this is not who we are! This is not to say that there weren’t moments of denial later on in life; yet when we believe in growth and expansion, these moments will soon disappear and realign the self with the divine truth of evolution. Our job is to master the fear of moving out of a comfort zone prison into the trust of our own global universal selves.

My dad demonstrated his ability to immediately and completely accept reality as it was during tough times, acting like a pillar of strength. Because of his upbringing he would not allow himself to take responsibility for some of his actions and in that became non-accepting and irresponsible. When he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, his usual gift of immediate acceptance presented itself like never before, once he got over his initial shock when doctors first told him that his blood sugar was through the roof (over 300) and then stated the obvious: this yellow colour his body was covered in was jaundice.

There was huge concern about what else they would find in the coming week. It didn’t take him long to get over that shock and the next day he had already gone into his usual energy of acceptance as to how the present reality was unfolding in a state of complete uncertainty. Only now, faced with such an unexpected challenge, it suddenly dawned on him that maybe some of his actions and behaviours were backfiring?! A time of reflection began; was his belief in aggression, born from a belief to never embrace too much joy in life now having an impact on his body?

Everybody took it differently; the combination of the variety of our energies participating in this experience somehow really helped. It felt like a support network created itself, naturally. One thing was for sure, right from the start; we were all in this together. We shared the same intent; in assisting my dad as best as we could, we each played our part in this situation, with me taking on the role in finding the right treatment. Each one delivered their essential part of their expertise.

In the first 3 days before we knew the diagnose was cancer, it felt like somebody had literally taken the floor from underneath my feet. Deep down I was very concerned, my instinct knew that this was something very serious; in the week before I had a feeling of dread in my tummy and could not figure out what it was. My head was trying to convince me that it hopefully was nothing major to worry about and soon we would be told that this was something harmless. Well, it wasn’t!

What gave me the strength to go into this scary challenge was to travel to Germany and do all I could to support my parents in this dire situation. Action would take away this mountain of helplessness, which had suddenly appeared in front of us. It gave us access and healthy means to cope, as well as the purpose to assist. A transformation from dis-empowerment to empowerment was herewith given. There was no time for playing the victim. In fact, nobody in our family or anybody who supported us went into a victimhood state of mind, we had to focus. Today I know that by recognising and accepting the facts exactly as they were, taking action to support my dad as best as possible, whilst looking for a suitable treatment, showing appreciation to all consultants and medical staff involved – no matter whether they were stubborn conventional or holistically more open minded – cooperating with family and friends, was that which brought about the astounding healing results we were presented with 9 months later.

My brother Markus was helping enormously in opening up my mind so I could finally grasp the fact that our unresolved negative or traumatic experiences can cause illness, in this case cancer, even if the experience was a long time ago. He knew what he was talking about, having aided his wife to overcome a deadly form of Leukemia in 1991. My acceptance of understanding the connection between body and mind began to sink in. Nutrition and exercise, trying to have a fun life, without addressing issues and clear them, were not sufficient to maintain a healthy body. Past undigested issues and constant stress are the main factors for an illness. We are alkaline beings; therefore too much acidic foods or drinks, too much focus on a material life style cause illness by harming our cells, living in a stressful disharmonious environment and running our lives on toxic emotions will destroy our cell structure. Our cells can only thrive in a healthy environment, filled with positive emotions (e-motions, energy in motion), consisting of love and harmony.

(Water molecules by Dr. Masaru Emoto)

Before my dad’s illness I believed that a painful situation was already dealt with once it was suppressed. There is much more to that, I began to see the reality of further, much deeper possibilities into the root cause of a physical or emotional issue. We must recognise the signs our body is giving us when it comes to our wellbeing and accept the truth in its communication with us. Continuing on the track of denial and ignorance of the connection between old suppressed trauma, a constant stressful life, resulting in an emotional, mental or physical illness, will lead to a deterioration of the situation.

In the weeks to come – as my dad was undergoing all required examinations – I was reading everything I could about pancreatic cancer, what antrophosophical hospitals had to offer, emailing their doctors, going through a variety of treatment options, printing out case studies from holistic doctors, describing successful cancer recoveries… My dad – to our astonishment – was reading everything whilst in hospital. I wanted to know exactly what we were dealing with, what to expect in the worst case scenario, listen to various opinions, whilst being discerning at the same time, allowing my dad to make his own choices. In all of that I knew instinctively one thing right from the start; we had to use a homeopathic treatment; it was the only powerful holistic treatment I knew at the time, which treats the person in its individuality with its specific issues. No matter how much I tried to sometimes brush that possibility aside, it kept reappearing in my consciousness. All the time we were weighing out options; we had to accept the entire situation presented to us and within that every single moment that brought along different doctors with different ideas of what they thought was the right treatment.

One well known professor for pancreatic cancer for instance suggested a 4 week intense radio- and chemotherapy, after an unsuccessful Whipple op, to reduce the tumour and then operate again. Had we blindly followed that advice, my dad would not be alive today, as was later confirmed by another 3 x top consultant, also trained in Homeopathy. It would have weakened my dad’s immune system considerably, with a high risk the cancer returning with a vengeance.

Everybody has to feel what is right for them and then decide for themselves what treatments they wish to opt for. Family and friends must accept the choices made and support as best as they can. It is a scary time for everybody.

In May 2005 a TV crew came to interview my dad for a scientific documentary on Homeopathy, his astounding recovery was accepted by many but equally dismissed by skeptics, those who reject availability of effective alternative medicine or healing methods, regardless of the amount of evidence presented to them. By doing so they act in dis-service to people’s free will of having the choice to be widely informed. We can not be dictated by those remaining close minded, expecting us to be the same. Pancreatic cancer has a less than 3% survival chance, yet my dad recovered.

The evolution of the human race would be much more advanced if the minds were not kept in a low state of consciousness to be controlled by those who refuse to accept reality as it is and – worse even – declare it as a lie to divert people off their path! How does that give us a choice of healthy possibilities to connect with the Source of all creativity to improve a dire situation? The answer is; think for yourself, observe with a critical but yet open mind. Yes, we do have to be vigilant of charlatans equally; the top consultant of the oncology department advised us to explore alternative options but sense for authenticity within a therapist and what is offered. Even here we must remain awake and aware and use our logical thinking mind, cooperating with our intuition.

Controlling forces have throughout the history of the human race attempted to block important information, valuable for the human race to explore more precious effective solutions for a better, abundant world, important for our evolution to keep improving living standards. Blocking evolution in such ways is in actual fact a crime towards humanity, something that will one day return itself to the individual (s) in form of karmic lessons.

What I am trying to say with this story of acceptance and non-denial is that we can not expect to come out of a ‘haunting’ or ‘dreadful’ situation, inevitably leading to a negative outcome, if we choose to close our eyes and remain passive to the sheer facts staring us in the face. If we do, then we make ourselves weak by living in an illusion of what is not. Living in that illusion makes us vulnerable and powerless, allowing controlling dark forces, be it our own ego or that of people only interested in their own gain and power, to use us for their mind games, draining our energies for a future that is none.

Keep the thought alive of wishing to be truthful, this will always guide you out of moments of self-denial. This is what true care means, especially when we see acceptance with clarity, explore healthy options, take action for the highest good of all to come out of a vicious circle. Dare to admit to your own self-limiting belief issues or a need for unnecessary agrandissement, unhelpful to anybody.

If we connect with all the courage we can possibly master and clear all the fear that leads us to blindness of the present now in a misleading belief that everything is not as it is, we grow! Denial is a dangerous endeavour, it actually leads to more fear, a deterioration of the situation and in the end capitulation.

The Universe can only assist and connect with us when we become very honest with ourselves and wish to see the facts with honesty and clarity. When we say; what have I done to get myself into this mess and what can I contribute to pull myself out of it to bring healing into this very situation, we will open those famous doors of all possibilities, allowing the most powerful healing forces to enter through our consciousness, lifting us out into the reality of ourselves. What we can say and do for our individual private improvement, we can also do for a global crisis.

Just like in my dad’s situation; we are all in this together, we must remain discerning and focus on the truth of reality unfolding itself in front of us to bring about healing into the present! We are the root cause with our thoughtless actions, we can be the solution too. Turning a blind eye will make us and the world vulnerable and add to the destructive powers of those only working for their own gain, careless to our wonderful world. Imagine if we had always acted from integrity, appreciation, acceptance and non-denial, from the power of love and the greatest care for our world, we would not be finding ourselves in a climate crisis or any political conflicts or wars.

We would in fact be having the time of our lives.

So far we have been kept in a state of mind control, numbness and separation. Divided we are weak, it is easier to mislead us that way. Now we find ourselves left with a flicker of hope, lets get together as one and stand up for justice, truth and liberation, coming from pure unconditional love.

When we take action we are empowered! This will diminish the ones walking and working from their own dark shadows, using us as their puppets.

Even when you are terrified by having to face reality as it is; go through that fear. Find what works best for you to liberate yourself. Then, with diplomacy, integrity and perseverance you will find your path. Do whatever you can to bring stability back to this world, which is now reflecting and showing the signs of centuries of unstable behaviour on a huge visible scale. Support those who are already sacrificing themselves to purposefully contribute their energies and expertise to invest into a better world.

We do not know what the outcome will be but if we never try we will never know!

Examples of positive life changes after release of death vow

In 2009 I was working with a lady who had been through extreme life challenging situations. The last relationship had been very stressful, with a narcissistic partner who had not only betrayed her in many ways but also left her with huge debts. Her landlord took her to court over a refurbishment issue, despite the existence of a written agreement to reimburse her expenses. She was constantly faced with another major problem, working all hours under the sun to keep everything going. Regular Journey work kept her motivated, solving parts of her hardship, to then be faced with something else.

Of course this can happen for many reasons and when we really take responsibility and wish to address our issues, we begin to understand as to why things are happening, the connections between past and present, as well as karmic lessons.

One day my client found herself in the most dire situation one could possibly imagine. At the time she had been a single mum since her separation, with 2 young children, self-employed, working very hard, without receiving regular payments from her clients. This made it difficult for her to pay the rent in a new property for 4 months, on the verge of being evicted and becoming homeless. She rang me absolutely desperate. I asked whether she remembered having made a death wish at some point. In her state of worry her mind was blank, unable to retract a memory. I promised to help her and asked her to get in touch with me, should she have some kind of realisation. 2 days went by when she rang me saying: “Patrizia, I now know what has happened to me! About 3 years, before me and my partner split, I found myself in such  devastating circumstances, this is when I made a death wish!” She explained what happened, there and then we decided to take her through a vow change.

During a vow change, the person is taken back to a time and place where an unhealthy vow was made, in this case a death wish. On this occasion it was done from self-punishment and guilt. The person is then asked whether they are ready to clear the death vow. It is all based on free will. If the answer is yes, present guides and mentors remove the vow and give the person the choice to replace the old with an alternative healthy beneficial wish. A positive affirmation is now firmly installed within the consciousness of the person, restoring the old magnet of bad luck.

Once the client was able to forgive herself, she could physically feel the old death vow being removed. A few days later she reported a feeling of ‘liberating lightness’. 1 month later she told me she had reconnected with a beautiful soul mate, whom she later married. She also found her dream job with a secure income, able to pay back her debts; finally she was able to experience the joys of life. Of course, life will always throw one thing or another at us, with the absence of a death wish this can be mastered much more effortlessly. Today that very lady is healthily detached from the past haunting events, she can barely believe this used to be part of her.

Forgiveness is an important aspect when moving through our fascinating healing journey, creating a strong shift in consciousness. Our cells light up at last, love can finally heal old stubborn wounds.

Removal of death vows and other destructive statements

There are so many reasons to be grateful for having found the powerful healing tools of The Journey Work, one of them being learning all about the existence of vows, what they are, when they were made, where they come from, their constructive or destructive power on our lives, the lives of others and – in concentrated energy forms – on the world.

We understand the importance of how our thoughts can affect our lives and the world outside. Everything in our body is connected to everything else. None of our organs or body parts are separate; they support each other and work best together when we are in a good mood, promoting harmony and health. After attending a dissection course during our Bowen training at a medical school in London, we were given a clear insight into how absolutely everything inside and outside our bodies is connected.

Energetically, we humans and all life are equally connected. How many times have you found yourself thinking a thought and noticed that the person next to you was expressing that same thought aloud? This is because our consciousness can pick up the thought processes of someone close to us, as the auric fields are interconnected. Or how often has it happened that you were about to contact someone and that very person contacted you the moment you thought of them?

Every thought we have projects outwards and creates streams of energy that can be either constructive or destructive. We could look at the outside world and say: “that has nothing to do with me”, in reality it does. The effects of the intentional energy of our thoughts that we send out will return, an action born of that thought will also return. The moment we clear an inner conflict and clear all toxic emotions, we create a healing ripple effect throughout the world because of our interconnectedness.

Even before spiritual teachings became so popular, we often heard the phrase ‘be careful what you wish for’…

We have heard and read about energy blocks and barriers created by society’s educationally conditioned, sabotaging, limiting belief systems. We know that they exist and that they can be stuck in our consciousness, we have learnt along the way that we are able and capable of recognising them and transforming them into positive, reassuring affirmations. Affirmations are the most powerful statements we can make, they act like a strong power line, directing and projecting outwards and then reflecting back exactly what we have sent out. When made with pure intention, they can protect and guide us to the point where we are always brought back to our purposeful path, bringing us back into a positive frame of mind.

Examples of positive vows/beliefs are

  • I will always remain connected to love,
  • Love and health are my number 1 priority
  • Life on earth is precious and I respect that, including my own
  • Somehow I always find my way back to my true self
  • If somebody treats me with disrespect, I respectfully have to step away from that energy
  • I won’t control anybody and equally I will not sacrifice my freedom
  • I deserve to be happy because I am

Continue to ensure that the intention around a positive vow remains as pure as possible, so that no underlying thoughts of secondary gain, of causing hurt, manipulation or dominance, interfere with what you really are seeking to express.

Life condemning beliefs and statements, death vows made during tragic moments, trauma, abuse, grief or disappointment can be fatal and drastically affect our future lives. For obvious reasons, death vows are the worst kind of vows. They can sound like this: 

  • My life is worthless, what’s the point of me even being here
  • I wish I didn’t exist or I wish I wasn’t born
  • Everybody hates me, because I am a nobody, I wish I was dead
  • I hate my life and everybody in this world
  • If things don’t improve, I kill myself
  • Nobody cares if I died, I might as well be gone
  • I wish I didn’t have to feel this pain or any emotion, I’d rather be dead
  • Life is one big painful torture, what’s the point in living
  • …..

You get an idea of what is meant by these examples!

They imply hopelessness and meaninglessness about life and the self, devoid of any meaning or purpose. It is the greatest form of self-punishment we can build against ourselves, a huge block to love and appreciation, an eruption of negative beliefs that have convinced the mind that nobody cares, so what’s the point of caring. Carrying a conscious or unconscious death vow – no matter why and when it was made – will lead to a downward spiral where things start to go wrong. It means entering a space of living a life full of unnecessary risks. It can even get to the point where a death wish can lead to illness and eventually become a reality.

This does not mean that every accident is related to a death wish. There may be other factors, and you need to start exploring what is causing the accidents. You may not even have a death vow, but there may be other negative vows running your life at the moment. All of this can be cleared and replaced by saying to yourself, your Higher Self, your guides that you are ready to be released from these chains. Replace them with a variety of healthy, life-affirming statements.

If there is a death wish, it could be linked to many stressful situations, including weight problems or addictions. Without consciously clearing self-destructive vows, either through meditation, a journey of self-discovery or simply remembering whether we have one or not, we continue to carry a heavy burden on our shoulders. Why would we choose to burden our lives when all we can do is choose the gift of free will to set ourselves free! Negativity of any kind is definitely something that our spirit does not want us to hold on to any longer.

As mentioned above, what we express inwardly will be reflected outwardly, death wishes will not only affect us, they will consequently affect our world. What affects our world will negatively affect us. We are all interconnected and cannot expect our actions to remain ineffective.

Our world is currently being run by mass destructive energies that are being reflected back at us, unlike at any other time in the history of this existence of the human race. As we have been told by Archangel Gabriel: ‘It looks as if your world is being run by one big death wish, humanity is on a course of self-destruction’.

We can now choose once again to clear the unwanted and transform the unchangeable past. This will lead to a shift in consciousness and from there more positive change can happen. The more of us who clear our old or recently made anti-life wishes, the more this worldwide cloud of mass destructive energy will be reduced. From there we can begin to move forward more effortlessly, releasing old, outdated ego patterns that focus solely on self-aggrandisement and glorification. Appreciation of what we are given for free must be prioritised; a life worth living, filled with freedom, abundance, simplicity, joy, laughter, love and miracles.

When removing negative, life-threatening, self-made vows, be sure to include bad wishes or curses, whether they come from you or someone else. Nothing must come between you and us and why we are here to fulfil our purpose of contributing to peace. We must continue on our healing path and continue to forgive so that our hearts can open again to the spirit of true love.

Dictators who thrive on the energy of death wishes and spread hate and division will disappear along with their followers who are driven by a false sense of power. Misleaders are subject to negative entities who use their super egos to cause disharmony and extreme destruction. Falling prey to such terrible traps by obeying their demands to look down on each other, thus spreading hatred, will inevitably contaminate all the natural resources and essentials we depend on, such as water, air and the ground we walk on. On top of that, following anti-humanitarian propaganda will create big karma!

Replace a death wish with a desire to love life in all its natural glory, to appreciate what you have, even if it is the tiniest flicker of something good in your life. Welcome yourself back to an enlightened path, one that allows trees to grow, clear water to flow, fresh air to fill your lungs. Step away from the manipulation of the justification of war, famine, discrimination and racism. Peace, compassion and care are the essence of our pure original state of mind. Healthy mind, healthy body reawakens the divine spark of supreme consciousness. Turn your life around, create a vibrant, abundant life on earth, follow your soul’s purpose. You can do it!

… not to forget self-forgiveness

Self-forgiveness requires the greatest courage in the total process of forgiving, without it we can not complete the act of forgiveness and call ourselves free from the burdens of the past. In so many cases it is the hardest part to accomplish when looking back at the things we have done, those actions we rather wished we’d carried out a different way, knowing how much pain we have caused.

Although we know very well today that at the time we were in a different state of mind, younger, therefore possibly less thoughtful, the sheer fact that we were even capable of telling somebody something hurtful – or worse – those irreversible actions we took, led to so much unnecessary pain. Facts we find very hard to digest. Actions do speak louder than words, whether we use them to create beauty or in harmful ways.

First of all let me tell you that the ability to take such self-introspection in itself is a clear sign that we have come a long way, away from an old self, unable to see what it was doing at the time, or simply didn’t care. The interesting thing is that, when we look back at our younger selves, we can look at that part of ourselves as if looking at somebody else. Yes, it is a part of us from the past, echoing into the present, effecting the now. We are allowed to recycle and transform those events into something positive; holding onto guilt, based on stubbornness, be it from a need to self-punish or a resistance to ever change, will complicate your life unnecessarily. We need to remind ourselves that we are not that old self anymore, our consciousness is forever developing, an ongoing transformative process. Yet, we are holding and clinging onto the things we cannot change anymore, therefore blocking parts of our transformative genes, overpowered by an unwillingness to self forgive. A refusal to forgive that old part is like forbidding the self access to a close reunification with our souls and Higher Selves! Many amongst us have – through their valuable realisations of their self-reflections and insights – long decided to change their behaviour and gone out their way to take appropriate measurements to stop making the same ‘mistakes’ again. Yet, that guilt is still present from the past and unless that is cleared, our own part in being of divine service to others is simply hindered by an old misguided or misbehaved part of us.

Everything in our Universe, in all Universes, on our planet and every other planet, keeps evolving, we keep evolving. If we decide to stop evolution for ourselves by holding onto who we are not anymore, keeping that negative image with a growing self-hate alive – and non-self-forgiveness will do that – then we will begin to stagnate. Stagnation will lead to a whole host of self-sabotage and blocks, definitely taking us away from the beauty, the uniqueness, the brilliance of who we really are. Ego will begin to act as an artificial replacement, until we finally decide to take that step and cut an old outworn cord to our older inexperienced unconscious self.

We cannot be that person again as we were in the past of this present life or an entirely other existence, in the exact same way as we were then. In other life times we might have been of a different gender, nationality, society, with its own limiting belief systems. In this life we can find ourselves surrounded by new life conditions and circumstances, we have changed in many ways! Our look, our body has changed! All of our existences have given us a variety of different experiences. The consciousness of our soul remembers everything and is with us during every incarnation, manifested through its physicality. Yet our behaviour, attitudes, new connections have shaped us! We are an eternal life form, which has decided to experience itself in physical reality. In that our life experiences are vast, our body is the vessel that carries itself with its cells memories time and time again. What shapes us depends on so many factors, including our personality types, our upbringing, perceptions and belief systems, forming our behaviours to be of a certain way. Today we might think those behaviours in the past were unhealthy or unjust. What matters is our readiness to reconnect with the core of our inner truth, who we are and why we are here. Our thoughts, actions, deeds can assist us as the most precious lessons of human behaviour moving through life, transforming us into a wealth of divine universal consciousness or keep us stuck in a stagnant low vibrational guilt consciousness, life time after life time, wasting precious global time to finally evolve out of a vicious circle, effecting everybody else.

Remember this, when you find it hard to self-forgive; in truth you are made of the purest thought of love consciousness, equipped with your own unique genes. You are an image of God’s original self, as different from everybody else as snow flakes are from one another. Although none of us were sent to destroy, manipulate, control and overpower that which can never be overpowered, our minds can easily be altered away from our true beauty into something it was never meant to be and then act from that level of awareness, unlike that of the original compassionate human consciousness.

For whatever reason you became an artificial alteration of your divine self, use that as your doorway back into your power of loving yourself! You have that power with the support of your most reliable allies; your soul and – more importantly – your spirit. Open that door and transform all the illusionary uncomfortable aspects and occurrences into the best positive outcomes, reconnect with your Higher Self, celebrate it! Your growing awareness of yourself, your self forgiveness, is the gateway into understanding yourself and that of human race behaviour. It is giving you vital insights into the aspects of how the mind operates when shut down to its spiritual connection. In that judgement diminishes, providing a much clearer approach when interacting with others. One day you will meet people acting in the same way like you once did, giving you a clear insight into what you used to be like and how that must have come across for others. Those people will relate to you a lot more when they see where you have have been and how far you have come. Your wisdom will teach and inspire them to belief they can transform too because in reality there are no others, only the self.

Look at the impact converted drug dealers have or fraudsters, racists or fanatics when they had their moment of truth and talk from their experience and realisations to people on that same destructive life path, trying to give them an insight into their meaningless actions, opening their minds by demonstrating that there is a way out.

These lessons are guidelines from which we can firmly decide which path we wish to walk; that of mind controlled misleading darkness or that of eternal love light joy consciousness!

Remove all death wishes, self punishment vows, oaths of an obedient nature, self limiting belief systems, return to your truth and then align with the truth of God’s pure thought and belief in you. Find out for yourself how light it feels to be emerged in the wonders of self-forgiveness, become a beacon to everybody else in your inner and outer world of love surrender.

Your guides will assist and support you with everything you ask them to, help you cut unhealthy cords, remove negative embedded commands of every kind. One thing they will not do is do it all for you, without you really taking full responsibility and action. This would be disempowering for the growth of your soul & spirit. Once they see that you are willing to commit to fulfilling your purpose, dealing with issues, forgive and make vital positive changes, work on an overload of ego behaviours, support will be given within the confines of God’s will and purpose. Angels and guides have no free will and therefore act in accordance with God’s pure intent of his creation of the human race.

In other words; there has to be a structure in place from a place of justice, unconditional love for every single one of us, self responsibility and divine empowerment. To ensure the same rights for everybody at any time and to stop the chance to overpower and completely alter the core of divinity, certain laws had to be put in place providing a safe haven of equality, which is there to erase envy, jealousy, judgement. If certain people were treated by the divine in a privileged way, equality could not be sustained. Therefore all of God’s messengers have to act within the structure of this law in connection with us. We are all free to choose how to co- and re-create within the confines of this very purposeful woven network structure. The law of karma for instance ensures that actions taken are a constant reflection of consequences on the self, from which we eventually will have to learn to treat others how we wish to be treated ourselves.

It is always in the interest of the divine, its messengers and helpers, to make this world a better place and in that we must trust that we are supported every time we intent to make a positive change to connect to the light of source, our birth place.

The more we reconnect and merge with our Higher Self, the more peace and love we create on our planet. Nobody can do it for us, but with us. We can be our worst enemy or our most loyal trustworthy friend we have always been looking out for.

Resentment creates separation in every way, forgiveness is the key to Oneness, starting with yourself today. Let nobody persuade you to stop following that path of re-connection, not even your own ego self. Realise, forgive, let go, embrace, experience YOU in every facet of your brilliant existence.